A symphony

Listen to the nature sing,
The birds chirping and swaying with the winds,
Bringing the stories from far away,
Of their home and people where they stay.

The strong waves swishing and swashing like cymbals,
The drums and temple bells ringing in rhythm,
The leaves rustling like chimes,
Like a conductor, the palm tree stands still,
Guiding the symphony of nature.

The stars twinkling at night,
Brightening the stage of our lives,
As the moon cast its light upon all the beautiful soul that thrives.

So be the part of this orchestra,
Dance to the tune of life,
Sing the unsung,
Because everyone here is telling their own untold stories,
making music of their glories.

So dont shy away,
Sing what you always wanted to say,
Till it falls upon the deaf ones,
Till it reaches the dark corner of the world.
Come, let’s all become one.

Published by

Hariom PrabhakarSingh

Finding solace in travel and writing.

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